Training Guide #3: Goal Setting

Training Guide #3: Goal Setting

Setting Goals For The Year Ahead

March 9, 2023

Author: Sean Hoey

Goal Setting

Muscle Up

As with every New Year, the idea of resolutions or setting new goals is a hot topic. Many of us set goals based on our training, nutrition, or even more personal ones focused around your daily activities. Goals are great for maintaining progress, whether it be in the gym or not. However, goals without action are merely dreams. So how does one set a goal? And how do we know if its achievable or the right goal to start with. There is the standard of SMART Goals which stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Timely. Many tend to set goals that we end up forgetting by the time the month is over but with a little bit of patience and some sort of game plan, goals become a lot more fun and feel a lot more purposeful. Setting goals in the gym is as easy as they come. Why? Because in CrossFit, we can use data and measuring tools to easily see on paper where we stand in relation to any given goal.

Let’s say a goal of yours for 2023 is to get your first Muscle Up. From there we must ask the question, do you have a strict pull up? If yes, how many? If that answer is no, then the first step to our 2023 muscle up should be to get a strict pull up by some date in foreseeable future. From there we can give ourselves time to get the next goal of achieving a strong kipping motion to eventually getting a chest to bar pull-up by say half way through the year. The process will continue so on until eventually you get the final turnover of your muscle up. Whatever your goal may be, make sure you have a plan. DO NOT compromise with yourself. Make your terms non-negotiable. Its very easy to put things on the back burner or bargain with yourself for extended deadlines. Don't do it. Don't even consider it, you'll thank us later! And whatever your goals may be, make sure it keeps you fired up to continue training and trying day in and day out!

Coaches' Fitness/Health Goals For 2023

coaches flex
A look behind the curtain...

Feeney: Stay healthy/injury free & work out 4-5 days a week.

Mullen: Workout at least 4 times per week. Squat 425 & Deadlift 525.

PT Kendall: Get a muscle up, Back Squat 200lbs

Sean McD: Participate in 4-5 fitness events, Attend 3 new coaching seminars

Pete: Cook dinner 4-5x/week. Deadlift 400lbs, Bench 285lbs & Squat 350lbs.

Sean H: Bench press 300lbs, Strict Bar Muscle Up

Mike: Complete the Dot Day 5k, take class 2-3x/week

Danny: maintain a positive attitude, no matter the day. And maybe hit a 300lb clean!

Beth: 10 unbroken Bar Muscle ups, Back Squat 275lbs, Deadlift 300lbs

Hollie: 200lb Clean & Jerk, Butterfly Chest to Bars

Brillo: Mobility/Prehab 4-5x/week & Scaling More workouts

Jordan: Workout 4-5x per week, take class twice a week